Local PTA Resources

You are not alone! One of the greatest benefits of being a PTA leader is access to a wide range of support and direct connection with other volunteer leaders.

Did you know, that in addition to our extensive online resources, I have assigned an experienced PTA volunteer specifically to support your PTA? Every PTA in Texas has an FSR, or Field Service Representative, with years of training and experience leading PTAs. Many of them are in your community. All of them are here to make your life easier! Find your FSR on the Looking for Help? tab on the Local Roster.

PTA is an amazing group of parents, teachers, administrators and community members - all with the common goal to make every child's potential a reality. There are many other groups out there focused on raising money, but PTA is about more than dollars. PTA is committed to fostering family engagement and student success on every one of our campuses.

Thank you for supporting the students in your CommYOUnity through PTA Leadership. Let's work together to back the future of every child!

Suzi Kennon

Texas PTA President

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